Toutes les fonctionnalités de MatrixALM et MatrixQMS.
Release 2.5.0
Released on November 25th, 2024
COMPOSE - new macro "origin tag" expands the source project(s) portion of the item ID when using Compose.
COMPOSE - Now you can keep the same serial ID when using the Include function in Compose.
Admins can now see which tokens are currently disabled in the UI.
Now you can view all changes accurately in an item for all field types in the Matrix UI, including deleted/modified content, diagrams/images, and added content in the "History of an item" feature, CHANGES, REDLINE dashboards.
See accurate redlining of changes in a document section using the Redline Against DOC/SIGN feature.
LiveQMS - Users can view an accurate history of all the changes in published items in LiveQMS.
Added horizontal scrollbar in the Redline Against DOC/SIGN for smooth comparison of changes in large documents.
Improvements in "Edit risks in a tabular form", including the first column with risk IDs is now frozen, added horizontal and vertical scrollbars, weights and factors that are hidden in the UI are hidden in the table too, view uplinks in the table and ability to move "Tools" like "Create Risks" and "Create Folder" buttons above the table.
Boxes in the "References" dialog now adjust to item ID size.
Factors and weights have been moved to the top of each component of the Risk field for better readability.
Added spacing on Exports to improve readability.
Added progress indicator while saving items.
In the Risk Analysis section, the 3-entries graph now displays all three colors correctly.
Risk mitigations from previous configurations are no longer carried over unexpectedly.
The context pane now accurately reflects parent trace relationships.
Fixed issue with users bypassing restrictions set in token settings.
Fixed issue with users bypassing password strength settings.
Keyboard navigation in the project tree now works seamlessly after item creation or deletion.
DarawIO image links update correctly when projects are exported or improved.
Locked risk folders no longer allow unauthorized item modifications.
File attachments are now restricted when controls are set to read-only.
RAM and RBM coloring in the custom section of documents now functions as intended.
The custom print section handles special characters without issues.
HTML tags in Excel exports of risks are now escaped properly.
XSLT no longer displays weird text in the downlink section when an XTC is failed or in progress.
Stored XSS vulnerabilities in project names have been addressed.
Strikethrough text in rich text fields now renders correctly.
Project menu height calculations are now accurate.
LiveQMS works seamlessly for versions published before 2.3.
XTC Folders are created correctly now, with only the relevant fields for folders.
MRQL date field searches now work accurately for future dates.
Adding new test categories in test settings is now error-free.
Images in rich text within Zenmode now adjust properly to page size.
The changes view now displays the full calendar of entries.
Performance has been improved for projects heavily using Compose.
The review control no longer produces a UI error when the auto-lock label is applied.
The design review label can now be used successfully in review control configurations.
Automatic change descriptions in publication are now accurate.
Rows inserted into test cases now appear at the correct position in tables.
Hot Fixes
Fixed performance issue when browsing large amounts of data using Compose.
SOP Links are now functional in LiveQMS.
Included compose items were not being marked correctly, missing icons, and allowing users to move items into non-imported folders.
Progress tracking for DOCX redlines is now working correctly, which previously caused downloads to fail for documents taking a long time.
MRQL searches now work when the category names end with "F".
Items show up in the correct order after a compose update.
Plugins are loaded correctly in the Administration.
Release 2.4.2
Released on July 3rd, 2024
LiveQMS - Users can export items as PDF.
Access the SxMD Connect community directly from the help menu.
Export changes in a DOC or SIGN item to compare using DOCX.
Increased working space, reduced density of project tree, and made navigation bar responsive to content.
Tokens are no longer stored in plain text to follow best practices.
Fixed issue with some Risk fields being empty in Custom printing.
Fixed performance issue when doing a copy or include using Compose.
Removed REST API endpoint /user/{user}/projects, added documentation for REST API endpoint /user/{user}/details
Fixed issue with slow performance using section numbering.
Fixed issue with project dropdown cutting off after window resize.
Fixed issue with adding Risk Control via “Select Items” dialog not working.
Fixed issue with items in Compose coming from folders in the source project not reflecting order changes.
Fixed issue with long review annotations breaking the annotations dialog UI.
Fixed resizing issue on Review table.
Fixed issue with labels not rendering correctly in a table of items with a field.
Hot Fixes
Fixed issue with not being able to select the “update” button.
Fixed issue with some DOC sections not configuring properly.
Fixed issue with Touch Down menu failing.
Fixed issue with PRINT project not printing richest controls properly.
Fixed issue with PRINT project auto header not working as expected.
Fixed issue with smart links not rendering in the table cells on a page load.
Fixed issue with smart links in the notification dashboard not working on first page load.
Fixed issue with inline comments in Review control not displaying.
Improved data display to include the date when a link was created and split them item entry into ID and Title.
Fixed issue with steplist date column displaying the wrong date in some cases.
Expanded labels to show full test step result when printing an XTC in an item list.
Fixed date format issue not displaying content on some date formats.
Fixed issue with some complex HTML formatting in Custom sections failing.
Fixed issue with CHANGES Dashboard not showing the change comments.
Fixed duplication issue in COMPOSE.
Fixed issue with Jira ticket status not updating.
Release 2.4.1
Released on April 2nd, 2024
Hyperlink category field. You can export functional hyperlinks to Excel using the hyperlink category.
Auto lock items added to a review. Now, you can use an automatic lock to lock items that are in review to prevent changes.
COMPOSE Now you can preserve the skeletal parent folder structure on items you Include or Copy.
BRANCHING & MERGING Save progress on conflict resolution during a merge. Now you can save progress and load past decisions made on conflict resolution by yourself or others during a merge.
Optimized speed when querying item history on large projects.
Fixed issue with the reviewControl type field not printing correctly in Custom sections.
Fixed issue with COMPOSE incorrectly requiring BRANCHING & MERGING license.
Fixed issue of being unable to Include the SIGN category in COMPOSE.
Fixed issue with notifications dashboard not loading when notifications exceeded 10,000.
Fixed issue with invalid labels blocking the UI.
Fixed issue with DOC section settings of the same type being overridden when no data exists in the section.
Fixed issue in the Test Execution Overview (TEO) Dashboard that duplicated items not covered.
Removed duplicate Help Menu access in the application.
Fixed issue with REST API allowing regular users to access and impersonate admin users and bypass privilege restrictions.
Fixed issue with Admins not being able to set a random password for users for SSO workflows.
Fixed issue with REST API endpoint /all/openapi?format= being vulnerable to XSS.
Fixed issue with REST API POST /{project}/ item call failing if the user passes this parameter.
Fixed issue with project settings being overwritten with a value from an unrelated project on the instance.
Fixed issue of being unable to scroll down the category list in the Labels Overview (LAO) Dashboard.
Improved performance of the Labels Overview (LAO) Dashboard and label rendering for projects with complex label configurations.
Fixed issue with PRINT not generating PDF/DOC files with Risks in the Custom section.
Fixed issue in Zenmode with pictures not adjusting to page size.
Fixed UI rendering issue with small screens and mobile devices.
Fixed memory leak during reindexing for rich text fields.
Fixed issue in liveQMS not printing all the pages of a large published item.
Removed import size limit in the library used for project imports.
Fixed issue with Merge Push wizard failing to display previously ignored items during a push from the Mainline to a Branch in BRANCHING & MERGING.
Fixed issue in BRANCHING & MERGING where new items would appear at the category root folder instead of their correct folder during a Push from the Mainline down to a Branch.
Fixed issue in BRANCHING & MERGING to convert links to clickable IDs and titles.
Fixed issue with design review labels, not printing.
Fixed issue with filter search box not filtering the content.
Optimized data export speed for documents.
Fixed issue with edit icon not opening into edit mode.
Removed rich text field placeholder for non-editable fields.
Fixed issue in COMPOSE preventing the ability to include the root category.
Release 2.4.0
Released on February 14th, 2024
Marketplace - Matrix Marketplace is a public marketplace with plugins, project templates, and modules that can be installed, demo’d and licensed.
SDK - Matrix Requirements SDK is available to easily create your dashboards, UI, plugins, and workflows with existing code templates and thorough documentation. Learn more.
Autosave - restore lost content with the autosave feature that saves content in a text box every 30 seconds by clicking the "restore last draft" icon in the text box.
New keyboard shortcuts available for navigation and training in the LiveQMS.
Proxy signature - you can change the people who need to sign documents after documents have been created.
Print table postProcessor - now, you can replace cell content of a rendered table.
Risk in review control is now displayed in read-only to enable the ability to add comments and annotate on the risk itself.
Removed the ability for Admins to modify other users' passwords or email to comply with 21 CFR Part 11 Section 11.200a(3).
DrawIO diagrams and images now maintain their quality when printed.
New fields in SIGN will copy content from DOC as default.
We now display the number of read-only users in the admin panel.
Create and send a customized email for each gate that has passed.
Now Admins can control the email notification setups for users.
Delete button was removed to prevent delete of mandatory categories like: DOC, SIGN, FOLDER, PUB, XTCs.
Now you can rename a project ID and name. Number 1 feature request!!
A menu has been added to the liveQMS page to allow users to logout.
Added more parameters to customize Custom Section rendering.
Several improvements added to the text editor.
MRQL search is now using POST verb instead of GET. It allows you to provide parameters as JSON payload.
You can now translate text into another column or table.
We made a few changes in the REST API / REST API documentation in 2.4.0.
Rich Text is automatically in view mode to prevent unintentional changes. Now, to edit you click the pencil/edit icon.
Fixed issue of new revisions being created when the label did not change.
Fixed label fields in PRINT not working properly when removed from the positiveList in the label iterator to display all labels.
Fixed issue of not being able to move top level Included folders to another position with COMPOSE. Learn more.
Fixed issue with copy and paste creating empty rows in XTC by disabling it.
Added a tooltip to indicate why a user cannot change their own name/email.
Now, dropdown configuration is autosaved instantly when modified to reduce risk of data loss.
Fixed readability of Risks in places where it was hard to read, like the history view.
Fixed alignment issue for images to match the UI when printing.
Fixed issue with URL pointing to a non-existing item freezing the system to instead show the tree.
Fixed issue with big zip exports being incomplete or corrupt.
Fixed issue with Group name no rendering correctly in locked DOC item.
Fixed issue on some specific test configurations that were not showing the overall test result when printed.
Fixed issue with text not being highlighted or shown when searching the text.
Fixed issue with the Test Execution Overview dashboard to show refreshed information when opening it from a folder.
Fixed issue with training reminders not selecting the right selection when a folder was fully selected.
Fixed issue with the session timeout not being set to the configured time in the server settings when using OAuth Authentication.
Fixed issue with duplicate serials being generated when you generate multiple SIGN using the REST API.
Projects will be cleaned before importing into a project to remove duplicated entries.
Fixed issue with "touch" action not showing in the full history of an item.
Fixed issue of calendar not loading when you clone a project with history and visit the Changes dashboard.
Fixed issue with inline review comments not being displayed in Review Control created document.
Fixed issue with User Access List in the User Access Limitations Module crashing when a setting contained a non-existing layer.
Fixed issue of Group ID rendering instead of Group Name in customer print items.
Fixed issue with a special html class that was preventing labels being set.
Fixed duplicate fields issue.
Fixed "create new" button being sorted in notifications modal.
Fixed issue allowing links to be added to locked items.
Fixed issue with copied categories displaying wrong category ID in the item tree.
Fixed issue with Chrome auto-fill ignoring the required comment checkbox allowing people to login without a comment.
Release 2.3.8
Released on April 8th, 2024
Prevent XSS capability via REST API endpoint.
Restrict non-Admin users from accessing another user's details.
Release 2.3.7
Released on September 28, 2023
Improved loading times for big projects and creation of documents that contain only custom print sections.
Added ability to push new items from the mainline into a branch even if they were not pushed in the first push.
Added HTML headings <h1> <h2> <h3> which can be used inside processes in published procedures in the LiveQMS.
Performance improvements when printing custom sections.
Fixed the issue of fields being copied incorrectly for some branch types when merged.
Fixed issue with some procedures using only part of the available width of the browser.
Fixed error messages showing incorrectly when printing items referencing items that are not in the “other items”.
Fixed issue with column merging and deletion not working with tables containing tables.
Fixed issue with text annotations not working when doing design reviews.
Release 2.3.6
June 29th, 2023
Compose module enables you to reuse items from one project in other projects with the option to keep them the same or modify them.
Ability to replace text in the value of an attribute when printing.
Added the ability for a drop-down in a risk factor to change the content of other rich text factors.
Fixed issue with the custom PRINT template not printing all weights of risk correctly.
Fixed layout issue of some HTML classes copied and pasted from external sources conflicting with the layout in the history view.
Fixed rendering of large tables in reviews.
Fixed issue with review fields not showing in the history view.
Release 2.3.5
February 28th, 2023
The table control can now display item references including title.
Fixed SSO login to login to LiveQMS.
Fixed issue with multi-user and group dropdown control showing groups as deleted.
Fixed issue with smart links not rendering correctly when reloading the app.
Fixed dropdown configuration issue which causes Excel export to fail.
Fixed issue with some bullet styles not printing correctly.
Fixed 0 value issue with risk probabilities not printing correctly in custom PRINT.
Fixed Word exports to not round integers.
Fixed issue with some complex risk combinations displaying and printing incorrectly.
Fixed AgileSync UI issue when syncing only one category.
Release 2.3.4
October 21, 2022
Various performance enhancements for large projects like, faster searches, faster rendering, and training dashboard.
Matrix version now displays in the bottom left corner in a user-friendly format.
Deleted categories can now be re-created.
The Test Execution Overview (TEO) dashboard shows the reason why it cannot render results.
Ability to define the number of days a password link is valid.
MRQL searches can now search drop downs and labels based on their displayed values.
Now fields of folders can be shown in custom sections.
Added ability to publish Labels in LiveQMS.
Improved image rescaling logic to be based on a bigger ratio (of image size vs page size, vertically compared to horizontally.)
Added ability to filter Down and Uplinks in DOC.
Now the LiveQMS page shows that there is nothing published instead of an error.
Fixed issue with signature meanings not showing if the same person signed a document twice.
Fixed issue with Excel exports not updating the math when risk controls were deleted.
Fixed issue with external links not rendering in custom sections when printing.
Fixed issue with special HTML characters such as > in the title not displaying correctly.
Fixed issue with the TEO dashboard dialog box not closing.
Fixed issue with special character "&" not working with passwords for Gates.
Deleted users are now visible in XTCs and other places marked as deleted.
Fixed issue with Excel export truncating text after "<" symbol.
Fixed issue with smart text in custom sections not printing correctly.
Fixed duplication issue with refresh and task in the TEO dashboard.
Fixed issue with XTC IDs not generating uniquely across all branches of a project.
Release 2.3.3 (2.3.13115.20969)
May 13th, 2022
Now branches can be updated with changes from the mainline using Push.
Ability to add a comment to a linked Jira ticket if item in Matrix changes. Learn more
Jira ticket statuses can now show in Matrix. Learn more
New option to export links to Excel in PRINT when you create custom Excel tables.
Increased speed of PRINT when creating huge tables specifically with risk and deep traceability.
Added ability to print only part of the Breadcrumb path for PRINT.
Now you can count rows of a table field in PRINT.
Now you can choose how the author of an item is displayed in PRINT.
Simplified history entries for restored items to remove unnecessary delete time.
Added ability to show tasks (e.g. Jira tickets) linked to the XTCs under each listed XTC in the Test Execution Overview (TEO) dashboard. Learn more
Added statistics about other fields like Tester or Version to the Test Execution Overview (TEO) dashboard. Learn more
Test Execution Overview (TEO) dashboard can now be configured from the Admin. Learn more
Now tabbing from item titles takes you to the first field.
Added ability to customize canned messages from the project setting or for the entire instance by editing the server/project setting: mail_config.
Tables controls in published procedures now take 100% of the available width.
User reset password and user creation are now sent by no-reply(at)
Jira addon can now create tickets in JIRA with data from Matrix and added ability to push and link Matrix items with multiple fields into JIRA. Learn more
Burn down charts render better in Test Execution Overview (TEO) to show more clearly when new XTCs were created.
QMS process can now have user groups in tables that are published along with users with full user names.
Shortened Section names in DOCS to 31 characters to align with what Excel supports.
Added a message in the TRACE dashboard when a project has no traceability rules.
Training notifications for LiveQMS now link and open the LiveQMS.
Fixed uplinks for RISKs from being hidden when new uplinks were added.
Fixed issue with risk using weight adjustments not initializing correctly.
Fixed issue with “&” rendering incorrectly in an item title.
Fixed issue with printing docs which have a dropdown with an “&” to print as expected.
Fixed special characters in item titles not rendering correctly in smart links.
Fixed issue with some special HTML characters rendering incorrectly when printed.
Fixed printing failure issue when text fields contained special characters.
Fixed an issue where a recursive touch would update deleted items.
Now when you merge folders all the fields of folders are merged.
Now signature meanings are correctly showing for each signature on documents with multiple signatures of the same person.
Removed Application Tour button from Admin.
Traceability dashboard now works with categories that include an underscore in the id.
Now templates that require users who no longer exist can be approved.
Fixed issue with the scroll in the published QMS when there were more than 30 users.
Now the display options of a document package sub-section are rendered correctly.
Date fields now render correctly in new custom sections.
Fixed issue with history of an item including some. changes to linked items.
Now the history only shows the relevant content of the item's own history.
Fixed issue with Tiny editor list styles not printing correctly and removed incompatible options.
Now you can create SIGNs and download documents if the revision table moved.
Documents created with empty revision cells can now be downloaded.
Added the missing Excel download option for SIGNs.
Fixed the issue with the label dashboard not showing numbers correctly.
Training report now includes all the selected items.
Fixed issue with Document sections created from templates appears in the wrong order.
Fixed issue with LiveQMS rendering incorrectly when the configuration is not complete.
Fixed count issue in the Label Overview dashboard.
Fixed warning message when saving legacy settings.
Fixed issue with "enforce section numbering" option on DOC custom sections not always getting numbered correctly.
Fixed issue with deleted categories corrupting test configurations.
Fixed rendering error with leftover smart tag markers.Fixed issue with risk zones rendering in the wrong order.
Design review table now allows you to unselect all items.
Fixed issue with different types of folders not showing different fields for rich text boxes.
Fixed issue with annotations disappearing.
Fixed issue with risk analysis sub-sections being numbered incorrectly.
Release 2.3.2 (2.3.12692.20229)
Octoer 25, 2021
Moved the project creation wizard from the admin panel to inside of Matrix app.
The risk zones distribution in the risk analysis section now uses the risk zone names.
Now you can save a PRINT - TABLE with empty rows.
Risk Zones in Documents now show the zone ID instead of the label.
Redlining of DOCs vs SIGN now take filters into account.
Project creation wizard has been removed from the Admin UI.
Improved view of Risk Distribution Chart legend in Risk Analysis Section
The label filter now filters the TRACE and TEO dashboard.
Now possible to select DOC and SIGN items in custom sections of the DOC items.
Now you can create sub table enumerating and filter rows from tables.
Design review item dialog pages no longer scroll to the top of the page.
Now write users with the specific right to merge can merge branches into the mainline.
Allow the ability to delete notifications and notifications.
The caret now moves to the end of the text in the text editor.
You can now summarize individual rows of a table by row count, average, median, or sum.
New ability to auto-show abbreviations and terms used in the Admin client even if macros are not used.
Enhanced explanations for Word template.
Fixed risk analysis section to show the risk zone before and after in the right order.
Published items in the QMS portal are now ordered the same as in the tree.
DOC sections are now always expanded in history.
The My Work dashboard now shows pending template approvals.
Now you can add some pre and post-processing scripts to the PRINT engine allowing you to manipulate the filter .xml and the rendered HTML.
Fixed issue with incorrect position when moving categories or fields.
Fixed issue with special characters not appearing correctly in smart links.
The project creation wizard now sends an email invitation to the created users.
Fixed the ID macro to correctly replace the id when creating SIGNs.
Tree order changes in the admin client now reorders items correctly.
Ability to refer to multiple BLOCK items without spaces in-between.
Fixed capitalization issue of Risk Properties in PRINT.
Fixed issue where numbered lists rendered as bullets in PRINT WORD/PDF.
Fixed table rendering issue with some cells in the column editor being truncated.
Fixed pop-up message error when creating a SIGN and previewing it before trying to sign it.
You can now approve QMS templates with the reject option enabled in the admin.
Signature in DOC tables now displays the correct text.
New Print system now tracks and formats terms and abbreviations correctly.
The layouter now takes the document filters into account for custom print sections.
Custom sections can now show fields from folders.
Release 2.3.1 (2.3.12518.19919)
July 28th, 2021
QMS - Strict Filter Option - Now you can prevent users from seeing certain information.
Tooltip shows all risk factors when you hover over a risk factor.
Added the ability to exclude some labels when copying and pasting items.
Faster load times for QMS publication.
Fixed PRINT macros that did not render correctly in some custom sections.
Fixed smart text PRINT macros that were not rendering correctly in the layouter of custom sections.
Fixed rendering issue of info flag in risk preview.
Fixed script error when using BLOCK elements in layouter for PRINT.
Fixed issue with Jira issue list window not no showing special characters correctly
Fixed project cloning with history issue not being copied over if items had been moved.
Fixed attachments issue when you download a SIGN package to include attachments.
Fixed the issue of project color not updating everywhere in the UI.
Release 2.5.0
Released on November 25th, 2024
COMPOSE - new macro "origin tag" expands the source project(s) portion of the item ID when using Compose.
COMPOSE - Now you can keep the same serial ID when using the Include function in Compose.
Admins can now see which tokens are currently disabled in the UI.
Now you can view all changes accurately in an item for all field types in the Matrix UI, including deleted/modified content, diagrams/images, and added content in the "History of an item" feature, CHANGES, REDLINE dashboards.
See accurate redlining of changes in a document section using the Redline Against DOC/SIGN feature.
LiveQMS - Users can view an accurate history of all the changes in published items in LiveQMS.
Added horizontal scrollbar in the Redline Against DOC/SIGN for smooth comparison of changes in large documents.
Improvements in "Edit risks in a tabular form", including the first column with risk IDs is now frozen, added horizontal and vertical scrollbars, weights and factors that are hidden in the UI are hidden in the table too, view uplinks in the table and ability to move "Tools" like "Create Risks" and "Create Folder" buttons above the table.
Boxes in the "References" dialog now adjust to item ID size.
Factors and weights have been moved to the top of each component of the Risk field for better readability.
Added spacing on Exports to improve readability.
Added progress indicator while saving items.
In the Risk Analysis section, the 3-entries graph now displays all three colors correctly.
Risk mitigations from previous configurations are no longer carried over unexpectedly.
The context pane now accurately reflects parent trace relationships.
Fixed issue with users bypassing restrictions set in token settings.
Fixed issue with users bypassing password strength settings.
Keyboard navigation in the project tree now works seamlessly after item creation or deletion.
DarawIO image links update correctly when projects are exported or improved.
Locked risk folders no longer allow unauthorized item modifications.
File attachments are now restricted when controls are set to read-only.
RAM and RBM coloring in the custom section of documents now functions as intended.
The custom print section handles special characters without issues.
HTML tags in Excel exports of risks are now escaped properly.
XSLT no longer displays weird text in the downlink section when an XTC is failed or in progress.
Stored XSS vulnerabilities in project names have been addressed.
Strikethrough text in rich text fields now renders correctly.
Project menu height calculations are now accurate.
LiveQMS works seamlessly for versions published before 2.3.
XTC Folders are created correctly now, with only the relevant fields for folders.
MRQL date field searches now work accurately for future dates.
Adding new test categories in test settings is now error-free.
Images in rich text within Zenmode now adjust properly to page size.
The changes view now displays the full calendar of entries.
Performance has been improved for projects heavily using Compose.
The review control no longer produces a UI error when the auto-lock label is applied.
The design review label can now be used successfully in review control configurations.
Automatic change descriptions in publication are now accurate.
Rows inserted into test cases now appear at the correct position in tables.
Hot Fixes
Fixed performance issue when browsing large amounts of data using Compose.
SOP Links are now functional in LiveQMS.
Included compose items were not being marked correctly, missing icons, and allowing users to move items into non-imported folders.
Progress tracking for DOCX redlines is now working correctly, which previously caused downloads to fail for documents taking a long time.
MRQL searches now work when the category names end with "F".
Items show up in the correct order after a compose update.
Plugins are loaded correctly in the Administration.
Release 2.4.2
Released on July 3rd, 2024
LiveQMS - Users can export items as PDF.
Access the SxMD Connect community directly from the help menu.
Export changes in a DOC or SIGN item to compare using DOCX.
Increased working space, reduced density of project tree, and made navigation bar responsive to content.
Tokens are no longer stored in plain text to follow best practices.
Fixed issue with some Risk fields being empty in Custom printing.
Fixed performance issue when doing a copy or include using Compose.
Removed REST API endpoint /user/{user}/projects, added documentation for REST API endpoint /user/{user}/details
Fixed issue with slow performance using section numbering.
Fixed issue with project dropdown cutting off after window resize.
Fixed issue with adding Risk Control via “Select Items” dialog not working.
Fixed issue with items in Compose coming from folders in the source project not reflecting order changes.
Fixed issue with long review annotations breaking the annotations dialog UI.
Fixed resizing issue on Review table.
Fixed issue with labels not rendering correctly in a table of items with a field.
Hot Fixes
Fixed issue with not being able to select the “update” button.
Fixed issue with some DOC sections not configuring properly.
Fixed issue with Touch Down menu failing.
Fixed issue with PRINT project not printing richest controls properly.
Fixed issue with PRINT project auto header not working as expected.
Fixed issue with smart links not rendering in the table cells on a page load.
Fixed issue with smart links in the notification dashboard not working on first page load.
Fixed issue with inline comments in Review control not displaying.
Improved data display to include the date when a link was created and split them item entry into ID and Title.
Fixed issue with steplist date column displaying the wrong date in some cases.
Expanded labels to show full test step result when printing an XTC in an item list.
Fixed date format issue not displaying content on some date formats.
Fixed issue with some complex HTML formatting in Custom sections failing.
Fixed issue with CHANGES Dashboard not showing the change comments.
Fixed duplication issue in COMPOSE.
Fixed issue with Jira ticket status not updating.
Release 2.4.1
Released on April 2nd, 2024
Hyperlink category field. You can export functional hyperlinks to Excel using the hyperlink category.
Auto lock items added to a review. Now, you can use an automatic lock to lock items that are in review to prevent changes.
COMPOSE Now you can preserve the skeletal parent folder structure on items you Include or Copy.
BRANCHING & MERGING Save progress on conflict resolution during a merge. Now you can save progress and load past decisions made on conflict resolution by yourself or others during a merge.
Optimized speed when querying item history on large projects.
Fixed issue with the reviewControl type field not printing correctly in Custom sections.
Fixed issue with COMPOSE incorrectly requiring BRANCHING & MERGING license.
Fixed issue of being unable to Include the SIGN category in COMPOSE.
Fixed issue with notifications dashboard not loading when notifications exceeded 10,000.
Fixed issue with invalid labels blocking the UI.
Fixed issue with DOC section settings of the same type being overridden when no data exists in the section.
Fixed issue in the Test Execution Overview (TEO) Dashboard that duplicated items not covered.
Removed duplicate Help Menu access in the application.
Fixed issue with REST API allowing regular users to access and impersonate admin users and bypass privilege restrictions.
Fixed issue with Admins not being able to set a random password for users for SSO workflows.
Fixed issue with REST API endpoint /all/openapi?format= being vulnerable to XSS.
Fixed issue with REST API POST /{project}/ item call failing if the user passes this parameter.
Fixed issue with project settings being overwritten with a value from an unrelated project on the instance.
Fixed issue of being unable to scroll down the category list in the Labels Overview (LAO) Dashboard.
Improved performance of the Labels Overview (LAO) Dashboard and label rendering for projects with complex label configurations.
Fixed issue with PRINT not generating PDF/DOC files with Risks in the Custom section.
Fixed issue in Zenmode with pictures not adjusting to page size.
Fixed UI rendering issue with small screens and mobile devices.
Fixed memory leak during reindexing for rich text fields.
Fixed issue in liveQMS not printing all the pages of a large published item.
Removed import size limit in the library used for project imports.
Fixed issue with Merge Push wizard failing to display previously ignored items during a push from the Mainline to a Branch in BRANCHING & MERGING.
Fixed issue in BRANCHING & MERGING where new items would appear at the category root folder instead of their correct folder during a Push from the Mainline down to a Branch.
Fixed issue in BRANCHING & MERGING to convert links to clickable IDs and titles.
Fixed issue with design review labels, not printing.
Fixed issue with filter search box not filtering the content.
Optimized data export speed for documents.
Fixed issue with edit icon not opening into edit mode.
Removed rich text field placeholder for non-editable fields.
Fixed issue in COMPOSE preventing the ability to include the root category.
Release 2.4.0
Released on February 14th, 2024
Marketplace - Matrix Marketplace is a public marketplace with plugins, project templates, and modules that can be installed, demo’d and licensed.
SDK - Matrix Requirements SDK is available to easily create your dashboards, UI, plugins, and workflows with existing code templates and thorough documentation. Learn more.
Autosave - restore lost content with the autosave feature that saves content in a text box every 30 seconds by clicking the "restore last draft" icon in the text box.
New keyboard shortcuts available for navigation and training in the LiveQMS.
Proxy signature - you can change the people who need to sign documents after documents have been created.
Print table postProcessor - now, you can replace cell content of a rendered table.
Risk in review control is now displayed in read-only to enable the ability to add comments and annotate on the risk itself.
Removed the ability for Admins to modify other users' passwords or email to comply with 21 CFR Part 11 Section 11.200a(3).
DrawIO diagrams and images now maintain their quality when printed.
New fields in SIGN will copy content from DOC as default.
We now display the number of read-only users in the admin panel.
Create and send a customized email for each gate that has passed.
Now Admins can control the email notification setups for users.
Delete button was removed to prevent delete of mandatory categories like: DOC, SIGN, FOLDER, PUB, XTCs.
Now you can rename a project ID and name. Number 1 feature request!!
A menu has been added to the liveQMS page to allow users to logout.
Added more parameters to customize Custom Section rendering.
Several improvements added to the text editor.
MRQL search is now using POST verb instead of GET. It allows you to provide parameters as JSON payload.
You can now translate text into another column or table.
We made a few changes in the REST API / REST API documentation in 2.4.0.
Rich Text is automatically in view mode to prevent unintentional changes. Now, to edit you click the pencil/edit icon.
Fixed issue of new revisions being created when the label did not change.
Fixed label fields in PRINT not working properly when removed from the positiveList in the label iterator to display all labels.
Fixed issue of not being able to move top level Included folders to another position with COMPOSE. Learn more.
Fixed issue with copy and paste creating empty rows in XTC by disabling it.
Added a tooltip to indicate why a user cannot change their own name/email.
Now, dropdown configuration is autosaved instantly when modified to reduce risk of data loss.
Fixed readability of Risks in places where it was hard to read, like the history view.
Fixed alignment issue for images to match the UI when printing.
Fixed issue with URL pointing to a non-existing item freezing the system to instead show the tree.
Fixed issue with big zip exports being incomplete or corrupt.
Fixed issue with Group name no rendering correctly in locked DOC item.
Fixed issue on some specific test configurations that were not showing the overall test result when printed.
Fixed issue with text not being highlighted or shown when searching the text.
Fixed issue with the Test Execution Overview dashboard to show refreshed information when opening it from a folder.
Fixed issue with training reminders not selecting the right selection when a folder was fully selected.
Fixed issue with the session timeout not being set to the configured time in the server settings when using OAuth Authentication.
Fixed issue with duplicate serials being generated when you generate multiple SIGN using the REST API.
Projects will be cleaned before importing into a project to remove duplicated entries.
Fixed issue with "touch" action not showing in the full history of an item.
Fixed issue of calendar not loading when you clone a project with history and visit the Changes dashboard.
Fixed issue with inline review comments not being displayed in Review Control created document.
Fixed issue with User Access List in the User Access Limitations Module crashing when a setting contained a non-existing layer.
Fixed issue of Group ID rendering instead of Group Name in customer print items.
Fixed issue with a special html class that was preventing labels being set.
Fixed duplicate fields issue.
Fixed "create new" button being sorted in notifications modal.
Fixed issue allowing links to be added to locked items.
Fixed issue with copied categories displaying wrong category ID in the item tree.
Fixed issue with Chrome auto-fill ignoring the required comment checkbox allowing people to login without a comment.
Release 2.3.8
Released on April 8th, 2024
Prevent XSS capability via REST API endpoint.
Restrict non-Admin users from accessing another user's details.
Release 2.3.7
Released on September 28, 2023
Improved loading times for big projects and creation of documents that contain only custom print sections.
Added ability to push new items from the mainline into a branch even if they were not pushed in the first push.
Added HTML headings <h1> <h2> <h3> which can be used inside processes in published procedures in the LiveQMS.
Performance improvements when printing custom sections.
Fixed the issue of fields being copied incorrectly for some branch types when merged.
Fixed issue with some procedures using only part of the available width of the browser.
Fixed error messages showing incorrectly when printing items referencing items that are not in the “other items”.
Fixed issue with column merging and deletion not working with tables containing tables.
Fixed issue with text annotations not working when doing design reviews.
Release 2.3.6
June 29th, 2023
Compose module enables you to reuse items from one project in other projects with the option to keep them the same or modify them.
Ability to replace text in the value of an attribute when printing.
Added the ability for a drop-down in a risk factor to change the content of other rich text factors.
Fixed issue with the custom PRINT template not printing all weights of risk correctly.
Fixed layout issue of some HTML classes copied and pasted from external sources conflicting with the layout in the history view.
Fixed rendering of large tables in reviews.
Fixed issue with review fields not showing in the history view.
Release 2.3.5
February 28th, 2023
The table control can now display item references including title.
Fixed SSO login to login to LiveQMS.
Fixed issue with multi-user and group dropdown control showing groups as deleted.
Fixed issue with smart links not rendering correctly when reloading the app.
Fixed dropdown configuration issue which causes Excel export to fail.
Fixed issue with some bullet styles not printing correctly.
Fixed 0 value issue with risk probabilities not printing correctly in custom PRINT.
Fixed Word exports to not round integers.
Fixed issue with some complex risk combinations displaying and printing incorrectly.
Fixed AgileSync UI issue when syncing only one category.
Release 2.3.4
October 21, 2022
Various performance enhancements for large projects like, faster searches, faster rendering, and training dashboard.
Matrix version now displays in the bottom left corner in a user-friendly format.
Deleted categories can now be re-created.
The Test Execution Overview (TEO) dashboard shows the reason why it cannot render results.
Ability to define the number of days a password link is valid.
MRQL searches can now search drop downs and labels based on their displayed values.
Now fields of folders can be shown in custom sections.
Added ability to publish Labels in LiveQMS.
Improved image rescaling logic to be based on a bigger ratio (of image size vs page size, vertically compared to horizontally.)
Added ability to filter Down and Uplinks in DOC.
Now the LiveQMS page shows that there is nothing published instead of an error.
Fixed issue with signature meanings not showing if the same person signed a document twice.
Fixed issue with Excel exports not updating the math when risk controls were deleted.
Fixed issue with external links not rendering in custom sections when printing.
Fixed issue with special HTML characters such as > in the title not displaying correctly.
Fixed issue with the TEO dashboard dialog box not closing.
Fixed issue with special character "&" not working with passwords for Gates.
Deleted users are now visible in XTCs and other places marked as deleted.
Fixed issue with Excel export truncating text after "<" symbol.
Fixed issue with smart text in custom sections not printing correctly.
Fixed duplication issue with refresh and task in the TEO dashboard.
Fixed issue with XTC IDs not generating uniquely across all branches of a project.
Release 2.3.3 (2.3.13115.20969)
May 13th, 2022
Now branches can be updated with changes from the mainline using Push.
Ability to add a comment to a linked Jira ticket if item in Matrix changes. Learn more
Jira ticket statuses can now show in Matrix. Learn more
New option to export links to Excel in PRINT when you create custom Excel tables.
Increased speed of PRINT when creating huge tables specifically with risk and deep traceability.
Added ability to print only part of the Breadcrumb path for PRINT.
Now you can count rows of a table field in PRINT.
Now you can choose how the author of an item is displayed in PRINT.
Simplified history entries for restored items to remove unnecessary delete time.
Added ability to show tasks (e.g. Jira tickets) linked to the XTCs under each listed XTC in the Test Execution Overview (TEO) dashboard. Learn more
Added statistics about other fields like Tester or Version to the Test Execution Overview (TEO) dashboard. Learn more
Test Execution Overview (TEO) dashboard can now be configured from the Admin. Learn more
Now tabbing from item titles takes you to the first field.
Added ability to customize canned messages from the project setting or for the entire instance by editing the server/project setting: mail_config.
Tables controls in published procedures now take 100% of the available width.
User reset password and user creation are now sent by no-reply(at)
Jira addon can now create tickets in JIRA with data from Matrix and added ability to push and link Matrix items with multiple fields into JIRA. Learn more
Burn down charts render better in Test Execution Overview (TEO) to show more clearly when new XTCs were created.
QMS process can now have user groups in tables that are published along with users with full user names.
Shortened Section names in DOCS to 31 characters to align with what Excel supports.
Added a message in the TRACE dashboard when a project has no traceability rules.
Training notifications for LiveQMS now link and open the LiveQMS.
Fixed uplinks for RISKs from being hidden when new uplinks were added.
Fixed issue with risk using weight adjustments not initializing correctly.
Fixed issue with “&” rendering incorrectly in an item title.
Fixed issue with printing docs which have a dropdown with an “&” to print as expected.
Fixed special characters in item titles not rendering correctly in smart links.
Fixed issue with some special HTML characters rendering incorrectly when printed.
Fixed printing failure issue when text fields contained special characters.
Fixed an issue where a recursive touch would update deleted items.
Now when you merge folders all the fields of folders are merged.
Now signature meanings are correctly showing for each signature on documents with multiple signatures of the same person.
Removed Application Tour button from Admin.
Traceability dashboard now works with categories that include an underscore in the id.
Now templates that require users who no longer exist can be approved.
Fixed issue with the scroll in the published QMS when there were more than 30 users.
Now the display options of a document package sub-section are rendered correctly.
Date fields now render correctly in new custom sections.
Fixed issue with history of an item including some. changes to linked items.
Now the history only shows the relevant content of the item's own history.
Fixed issue with Tiny editor list styles not printing correctly and removed incompatible options.
Now you can create SIGNs and download documents if the revision table moved.
Documents created with empty revision cells can now be downloaded.
Added the missing Excel download option for SIGNs.
Fixed the issue with the label dashboard not showing numbers correctly.
Training report now includes all the selected items.
Fixed issue with Document sections created from templates appears in the wrong order.
Fixed issue with LiveQMS rendering incorrectly when the configuration is not complete.
Fixed count issue in the Label Overview dashboard.
Fixed warning message when saving legacy settings.
Fixed issue with "enforce section numbering" option on DOC custom sections not always getting numbered correctly.
Fixed issue with deleted categories corrupting test configurations.
Fixed rendering error with leftover smart tag markers.Fixed issue with risk zones rendering in the wrong order.
Design review table now allows you to unselect all items.
Fixed issue with different types of folders not showing different fields for rich text boxes.
Fixed issue with annotations disappearing.
Fixed issue with risk analysis sub-sections being numbered incorrectly.
Release 2.3.2 (2.3.12692.20229)
Octoer 25, 2021
Moved the project creation wizard from the admin panel to inside of Matrix app.
The risk zones distribution in the risk analysis section now uses the risk zone names.
Now you can save a PRINT - TABLE with empty rows.
Risk Zones in Documents now show the zone ID instead of the label.
Redlining of DOCs vs SIGN now take filters into account.
Project creation wizard has been removed from the Admin UI.
Improved view of Risk Distribution Chart legend in Risk Analysis Section
The label filter now filters the TRACE and TEO dashboard.
Now possible to select DOC and SIGN items in custom sections of the DOC items.
Now you can create sub table enumerating and filter rows from tables.
Design review item dialog pages no longer scroll to the top of the page.
Now write users with the specific right to merge can merge branches into the mainline.
Allow the ability to delete notifications and notifications.
The caret now moves to the end of the text in the text editor.
You can now summarize individual rows of a table by row count, average, median, or sum.
New ability to auto-show abbreviations and terms used in the Admin client even if macros are not used.
Enhanced explanations for Word template.
Fixed risk analysis section to show the risk zone before and after in the right order.
Published items in the QMS portal are now ordered the same as in the tree.
DOC sections are now always expanded in history.
The My Work dashboard now shows pending template approvals.
Now you can add some pre and post-processing scripts to the PRINT engine allowing you to manipulate the filter .xml and the rendered HTML.
Fixed issue with incorrect position when moving categories or fields.
Fixed issue with special characters not appearing correctly in smart links.
The project creation wizard now sends an email invitation to the created users.
Fixed the ID macro to correctly replace the id when creating SIGNs.
Tree order changes in the admin client now reorders items correctly.
Ability to refer to multiple BLOCK items without spaces in-between.
Fixed capitalization issue of Risk Properties in PRINT.
Fixed issue where numbered lists rendered as bullets in PRINT WORD/PDF.
Fixed table rendering issue with some cells in the column editor being truncated.
Fixed pop-up message error when creating a SIGN and previewing it before trying to sign it.
You can now approve QMS templates with the reject option enabled in the admin.
Signature in DOC tables now displays the correct text.
New Print system now tracks and formats terms and abbreviations correctly.
The layouter now takes the document filters into account for custom print sections.
Custom sections can now show fields from folders.
Release 2.3.1 (2.3.12518.19919)
July 28th, 2021
QMS - Strict Filter Option - Now you can prevent users from seeing certain information.
Tooltip shows all risk factors when you hover over a risk factor.
Added the ability to exclude some labels when copying and pasting items.
Faster load times for QMS publication.
Fixed PRINT macros that did not render correctly in some custom sections.
Fixed smart text PRINT macros that were not rendering correctly in the layouter of custom sections.
Fixed rendering issue of info flag in risk preview.
Fixed script error when using BLOCK elements in layouter for PRINT.
Fixed issue with Jira issue list window not no showing special characters correctly
Fixed project cloning with history issue not being copied over if items had been moved.
Fixed attachments issue when you download a SIGN package to include attachments.
Fixed the issue of project color not updating everywhere in the UI.