Streamline your workflow with the enhanced Jira integration

We are thrilled to announce upgrades to our widely popular Jira addon. These powerful enhancements help you manage your workflow, providing unparalleled visibility and efficiency.
Seamless Ticket Creation
Our enhanced Jira integration offers you a newfound level of flexibility. Now, creating Jira tickets directly from Matrix is a breeze. You can effortlessly push and link Matrix items to Jira, including multiple fields, all while having the ability to impersonate users. This streamlines your workflow, allowing you to manage your tasks seamlessly within the Jira ecosystem.
Enhanced Communication and Tracking
Effective collaboration and communication are at the heart of a streamlined workflow. With the latest upgrade, you can now add comments to linked Jira tickets whenever a Matrix item undergoes a change. This feature ensures that your team stays informed and up to date, making it easier to track what needs to be reviewed again, enhancing your overall workflow efficiency.
Status at a Glance
Keeping track of the status of your Jira tickets is now more convenient than ever. The integration now allows you to view the status of a Jira ticket directly within Matrix. This improvement not only saves you time but also provides a comprehensive view of your project's progress, right from your Matrix instance.
We firmly believe that these enhancements to our Jira integration addon will empower you to elevate your workflow, making it more flexible, efficient, and user-friendly. Our commitment to enhancing your experience remains steadfast, and we look forward to bringing you more updates that simplify and optimize your SxMD journey.
Want access to these feature enhancements? Request an upgrade
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