Compliant SxMD mit MatrixALM

Steuert das Design eurer Medizinprodukte mit einer agilen All-in-One-Lösung für Software als Medizinprodukt (SaMD). Verwaltet eure technischen Dokumente, Tests und Risiken mühelos, um Audit-Bereitschaft sicherzustellen.

 200+ SxMD & Medical Device Hersteller vertrauen bereits auf uns.

Beschleunigte Marktzulassung

Benutzerfreundliche, flexible Softwareplattform, entwickelt, um die Kluft zwischen Qualität und Compliance zu überbrücken.

Optimiert und zentralisiert euer Anforderungsmanagement

Build Medical Devices with end-to-end traceability from development to deployment across the entire product lifecycle.

  • Erfasst, dokumentiert und verwaltet alle Anforderungen auf mehreren Ebenen.

  • Echtzeit-Rückverfolgbarkeits-Verifikation

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Matrix ALM

Risk Management im Einklang mit ISO 14971

Build tailored risk documentation based on procedures fully configurable to meet any Medical Device need directly in your application lifecycle management (ALM) software.

  • Verwaltet und verknüpft Cybersecurity Gefahren mit Sicherheitsrisiken

  • Integriert nahtlos Risk-Kontrollen in den Design Input.

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Verifizierung und Validierung

Immerse your design process in robust, multi-layered verification and validation testing to confirm your product meets requirements and fulfills its intended purpose flawlessly.

  • Beschleunigt die Testausführung und verwaltet Testskripte im großen Maßstab

  • Integration mit gängigen Entwicklungstools, um Tests zu automatisieren.

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Zentrale Dokumentation

Work in your tools of choice and generate documentation for existing design inputs and outputs from simple requirements to complex trace tables in the application lifecycle management (ALM) solution in a few clicks.

  • Part 11 compliant und Audit gerecht.

  • Voll konfigurierbar basierend auf euren Produktvorgaben und regulatorischen Anforderungen

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Integrate with your mission-critical applications

Enable continuous deployment capabilities by connecting your software development tools with an ALM and eliminate error-prone manual processes across your product lifecycle management activities.

  • Native integrations with popular DevOps tools like Jira, GitHub, GitLab, Azure DevOps, and Confluence for code management, testing tools, and more. 

  • Build your own with our REST API that has documentation for every part of the Matrix software so you can build a connection to your other tools.

  • Simplify processes with our SDK that makes it easier for developers to create their own applications and customizations and includes examples for custom Matrix extensions.

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Faster solutions and implementation

Keep software development on track with the Matrix Marketplace that lets you discover compatible plugins, templates, modules, and dashboards and install them directly in your instance.

  • Leverage vetted and tested add-ons that expand the functionality of your application lifecycle management (ALM).

  • Learn best practices and unique use cases for the different add-ons and modules and take full advantage of your ALM software application. 

  • Install ALM project templates to set up teams and processes with a structure that supports governance, maintenance, and calibration plans, ensures compliance with regulations, and streamlines software delivery.

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Enhance quality with a single source of truth ALM platform

Clear visibility throughout the product development lifecycle using an application lifecycle management (ALM) solution that connects to your project management tools, lifecycle management tools, and code repositories.

  • Centralize information in an ALM for a unified view to ensure project managers, developers, and engineers are leveraging the same data to reduce errors and inconsistencies. 

  • Mitigate risk by identifying and addressing issues early in the development lifecycle that aren’t in compliance with your regulatory framework. 

  • Simplify traceability with application lifecycle management (ALM) software that creates transparent and auditable links between all elements of the software development process. 

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Develop, test, and deploy faster

Increase productivity by enabling teams to work on multiple product releases in parallel, fix bugs, and work on prototype ideas without affecting the main code with the Branching & Merging module.

  • Get market-specific or multi-variant products to market faster by working in parallel on multiple versions in branches of the documentation. 

  • Quickly and compliantly fix bugs in a branch from a past release and merge the fixes back when needed.

  • Document requirements, specifications, and tests for new features in a branch until they are ready for integration. 

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Supercharge product development while maintaining traceability

Get more products out the door by combining existing items like requirements, user needs, and test cases from existing projects for reuse in other projects using the Compose module.

  • Keep items error-free and identical by pushing updates made in the source project across to all your projects that maintain traces without needing to relink them.

  • Quickly copy modifiable items into new projects in your application lifecycle management (ALM) software and adapt them without starting from scratch to accelerate your team's productivity.

  • Improve collaboration with icons that show which project items are being used in other projects to ensure team alignment from inception to deployment. Enhance your process with robust test management to track and manage test cases effectively.

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MatrixQMS + MatrixALM

Achieve complete mastery over quality assurance, design, requirements, and technical documentation throughout the product lifecycle while ensuring that all employees are following the appropriate quality standards.

  • Create ultra-efficient digital workflows to replace archaic paper quality management and application lifecycle management processes using flexible and reusable templates.

  • Be up and running in days with a QMS based on the same design philosophy as your application lifecycle management (ALM) software so it’s easy to onboard new users.

  • Simplify compliance throughout the software development process from standards, requirements engineering, testing, and more with tools that bridge the gap between engineering and quality teams. 

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Elevated support services for rapid implementation and guidance

Go beyond standard application support with the platinum support package that helps you streamline compliance management in your ALM.

  • Get best-in-class support from industry experts and support engineers for all your needs with a dedicated block of monthly hours that can be rolled over. 

  • Request consulting services, audits of your Matrix system, cybersecurity guidance, training for new users, and more whenever you need it. 

  • Get up and running fast with support for importing and converting data, creation of custom scripts, and API support. 

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Das sagen unsere Kunden


“Mit MatrixALM können wir unsere PDF Dokumentation im selben Format wie zuvor erstellen, jedoch auf stark automatisierte Weise, was die Effizienz unseres Teams um etwa 60% erhöht.

Hans-Jürgen Schneider, Projektmanager


Gewährleistet euren Erfolg mit essentiellen Qualitätsmanagementsystem-Funktionen, die auf SxMD zugeschnitten sind.

Risk ModulDefiniert Risiken und Risiken und Risikominderung gemäß anpassbaren Vorlagen und Formeln.
Test ModulErstellung, Planung und Ausführung von mehreren Testzyklen.
TraceabilityEine bereits definierte Standard-Traceability. Konfiguriert die Traceability-Verknüpfungen zwischen Items als optional oder erforderlich. Identifiziert, ob Verknüpfungen fehlerhaft, veraltet oder nicht vorhanden sind.
Vollständiges PrüfprotokollAlle Änderungen werden automatisch mit Nutzerinformationen und Zeitstempel protokolliert. Prüft Revisionen nebeneinander im Direktvergleich, um Änderungen schnell zu erkennen und vorherige Versionen wiederherzustellen.
DatenhierarchiestrukturDesignelemente sind in einer Baumstruktur strukturiert, die es vereinfacht, Informationen zu finden und zu organisieren.
Agile Sync ModulSynchronisation von Dokumentationen zwischen Matrix und anderen Applikationen, die sie nutzen, wie beispielsweise JIRA.
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Seht euch mit uns zusammen an, wie ihr mit Matrix Requirements Anforderungen besser und schneller dokumentieren könnt.

Alle Pläne enthalten kostenfreien erstklassigen Support.

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