Nouveauté ! Développez votre produit SxMD avec un eQMS structuré comprenant des modèles SxMD prêts à être audités et conformes aux normes EU et US. En savoir plus !

How Miethke is delivering Medical Devices to Market, safer & faster.

Miethke is specialised in neurosurgical implants for the treatment of Hydrocephalus.

ChallengeTechnical documentation was a very big challenge for Miethke. With a team focused on developing innovative medical devices, how could Miethke reduce the regulatory burden and speed up time to market?
SolutionImplement Matrix Requirements to reduce paperwork, reduce time spent on design changes & increase a traceability across the organization.

"The solution MatrixALM helps us to maintain our focus on the products & not the technical documentation... Now we can support new technologies for our patients in a really fast, timely manner."

Christian Gleumes, Director Program Management Office, Miethke.