Heinz Hänel

Contact:Prof. Dr. Heinz Hänel
Phone number: +49 173 306 3481
HQ:Taunusstrasse 124 D 61440 Oberursel/Ts.
Working for Hoechst, Aventis, and Sanofi from 1984 to 2021; Positions: Head of mycology, Antibiotic development, quality control, outsourcing, microbiology, purchasing head, BSE program leader, global project director. Leading three successful product developments which led to FDA approval: Batrafen (fungal nail lacquer), Tavanic (quinolone antibiotic); Fexinidazole (oral drug for sleeping sickness); Leading the developments of microneedles (with NanoPass), patch pumps (with Sensile Medical) and flexible bags for Insulin. Advisory board member in various companies.