What is an electronic QMS?

What is the main difference between a paper-based QMS and an electronic QMS?

Why would you bother going from one to the other?

Is it worth the effort and the resources?

All valid questions and multiple possible answers...

Paper-based QMS

A paper-based QMS is the "traditional" way of documenting a Quality Management System. You have a specific set of approximately 20-30 procedures, a Quality Manual, and a bunch of forms. All of them written in Word and/or Excel.

The good news is: it can work. It has worked for many years. If you have someone that has the time to maintain it, chase signatures, makes sure everyone is well trained, is aware of changes and knows how to control everyone within the organization so that they do things the way they should be doing, you're good to go. No need to change.

However, you might face a few issues along the way. And what we see quite often is that people work "more or less" according to the procedures (or what they remember from them) and that everything is "put in order" just before the audit.

If you're looking to manage your QMS in a more efficient way, you might soon end up looking for another software solution.

What can an electronic QMS bring you?

What you hope an electronic QMS will bring you are:

  • One central point of reference 

  • Easy and thorough change control

  • Electronic signatures/approval

  • Facilitate the way of working, not make things harder

  • Facilitate gap analysis with standard or legislation requirements

So are there no disadvantages?

Well...it depends what you call a disadvantage.

So in summary, it is worth to spend time implementing an electronic QMS, provided that you choose a tool that fits your organization.

What if you have no QMS yet and you need to start from scratch?

Have a look at our series about starting a QMS from scratch

With MatrixQMS, we have developed a tool that allows you to implement an electronic QMS, manage records, trainings, audits and track compliance.


If you want to have more information or a demo of our tool, don't hesitate to reach out!

About the Author
Ann Vankrunkelsven
RA/QA Manager